Effective Gopher Control Services
Whether it's in a field or a front yard, gophers don't discriminate in where they make their home... they don't ask permission either. At Agriserve, we provide gopher control services that will exterminate these unwanted "residents" and leave your property gopher-free.
Essential Rodent Control Services
Gophers aren't the only uninvited visitors that may come to stay. Moles, squirrels, rats, and mice love to invade your fields and flower beds without warning or invitation. When they move in, Agriserve moves them out.
Gopher Removal
What do they look like?
Generally gophers are 6-12 inches in length, have small eyes, tiny ears, short tails, and long hard front teeth. They are brown in color.
Where do gophers live?
Gophers live anywhere they find food. They typically eat 60% of their body weight per day. They eat plants, grass, trees, and roots which mean they find plenty of food in residential and agricultural settings. Good news for gophers -- bad news for you. Gophers create complex tunnel systems 4 to 18 inches below the surface and can cover an area of 200 to 2,000 square feet. These tunnels are approximately 2 to 3.5 inches in diameter, depending on the size of the gopher that lives there.
How do I know if I have gophers?
The calling cards of gophers are the mounds of dirt they create. As the tunnel through your lawn or field, they use their front legs and teeth to push dirt up to the surface. Gopher mounds are 12 to 18 inches wide and four to six inches high. The soil is heaped up to one side around the tunnel entrance, which is one way to determine that you have gophers and not some other burrowing rodents. Gophers typically construct one to three mounds per day.
Is there such a thing as "gopher season"?
Gophers are most active in the spring and summer. They are less active in the winter, although they do not hibernate. In soil that is moist (gardens, lawns, and flower bed) mound building can be seen year-round.
How many gophers are living in my lawn?
The number of gophers inhabiting one area can vary.
Gophers are solitary animals and one tunnel system is home to one gopher. The exception is when gophers mate and raise their young. So depending on what time of year it is, there may be more gophers than you think.
When is a gopher's mating season?
Gophers mate and breed in the winter and early spring. They will typically produce one litter of five to six young after a gestation period of only 20 days. In areas that receive substantial irrigation it is not uncommon for gophers to produce up to three litters.
If they are underground, what harm can they do?
An untreated gopher infestation can be devastating to landscaping and agriculture. Remember, gophers feed on plants, trees, and roots. They will eat up gardens, flower beds, lawns, field crops, and can cause immense damage to plastic water lines and sprinkler systems.
When is a good time to get gopher control?
The sooner, the better. Do not hesitate to begin the process of ridding yourself of these pesky invaders.
Mole Removal
What do they look like?
Moles have cylindrical bodies covered in taupe colored fur. Ears and eyes are typically not visible. Moles have pointed snouts that are hairless. Moles, on average, are six to seven inches in length and weigh three to four ounces.
Where do moles live?
Moles, like gophers, live wherever they can find food. They like moist soil that is easier to move than drier soil. They feed on small invertebrates that live underground, such as earthworms and grubs, and insects. They eat between 70% and 100% of their body weight per day. Moles do not usually eat plants and roots, though they are often blamed for this. The culprits will likely be other rodents such as voles and mice that move through and inhabit the tunnel systems moles create. These tunnels are typically 1.25 to 1.5 inches in diameter and can usually be seen on the surface.
How do I know if I have moles?
Right away you will notice the tunnels that show on the surface. Additionally, you will see molehills. Molehills are very similar to gopher mounds but have an important distinction. Whereas gopher mounds have dirt heaped up on one side of the tunnel opening, molehills are volcano-shaped. They are pushed up to the surface from deep tunnels and can be between 2 and 24 inches tall.
Is there such a thing as "mole season"?
Moles are active during all seasons and do not hibernate. They are most active in the summer, during rainy periods.
How many moles are living in my lawn?
The number of moles inhabiting one area can vary. Moles are believed to be solitary animals and one tunnel system is home to one mole. The exception is when moles mate. So depending on what time of year it is, there may be more moles than you think.
When is a mole's mating season?
Moles mate and breed in the winter and early spring. They will typically produce one litter of 3 to 5 young after a gestation period of 42 days.
If they live underground, what harm can they do?
An untreated mole infestation can be devastating to landscaping and agriculture. Moles disfigure flowerbeds and tear up grass. They burrow through lawns an fields, damaging young plants, killing lawns, and creating molehills.
When is a good time to get mole control?
The sooner, the better. Do not hesitate to begin the process of riding yourself of these pesky invaders.
Squirrel Removal
Squirrels are harmless little creatures that run around the forest and play in the park, right?
Wrong. Squirrels are happy to make themselves at home in your yard.
What do they look like?
Squirrels are generally small with slender bodies, bushy tails, and large eyes. Their color varies between species and also within species. A squirrel's back legs are longer than the front legs. They have 4 or 5 toes on each foot and the front paws include an underdeveloped thumb. The claws are very sturdy and versatile, which aide in climbing and grasping. Squirrels have excellent vision and sense of touch. Like gophers and moles, squirrels have large front teeth. The front incisors are used for gnawing and continue to grow throughout the squirrel's life.
Where do squirrels live?
Squirrels live in any climate with the exception of some polar regions and extremely dry deserts. Some squirrels inhabit trees and some live in the ground.
What do squirrels eat?
Squirrels are primarily herbivores, feeding on seeds, nuts, fungi, roots, twigs, bark, fruits, etc. At times they have been known to eat insects, some invertebrates, and even small birds and snakes. The average food intake for an adult is one pound per week.
How do I know if I have a squirrel problem?
This may be as simple as seeing the squirrel scamper about gathering food. For tree dwelling squirrels, you may see broken/gnawed twigs at the base of the tree. For ground squirrels, you may notice squirrel burrows in your lawn, garden, or flower beds. Unlike gophers and moles, you will be able to see right into a squirrel burrow. The opening will not be covered up ground squirrels are social and typically live in a colony, in long tunnels they dig very quickly. Tree dwelling squirrels tend to be solitary.
Is there such a thing as "squirrel season"?
There are periods of time when some squirrels are inactive. Ground squirrels hibernate in winter and estivate in summer. Tree squirrels do not hibernate but are very inactive in the winter as a means of preserving energy. Squirrels are known to be the most active in late winter, when mating season begins.
When is a squirrel's mating season?
Squirrels will breed one to two times per year, typically in early spring and mid-summer. The number of young varies, but on average a squirrel will give birth to 4 young after a gestation period of 3 to 6 weeks (depending on species).
Squirrels are so cute ... how much damage can they really do?
Despite their charming looks, squirrels can cause a great deal of damage to your landscaping and even to your home. Squirrels chew on tree branches to sharpen and shorten their teeth. They find objects such as power lines, hoses, and wiring to be suitable replacements for tooth maintenance. Squirrels are very intelligent when it comes to food related tasks such as opening containers and have been known to eat trash when searching for food. Squirrels help themselves to food left for birds in bird feeders and find special hiding places in gardens, lawns, and flowerbeds to store the excess food. Children who think squirrels look cute and cuddly and try to feed them can be bitten by the squirrels (squirrels have bad vision when it comes to items directly in front of their noses). Some squirrels may like you so much they invite themselves right into your home, nesting in your attic and wreaking havoc all around.
When is a good time to get squirrel control?
The sooner, the better. Do not hesitate to begin the process of ridding yourself of these pesky invaders.
Rat Removal
"Aww rats!! Look at my landscaping. Why is it being disturbed?" "Aww rats" may be right on the money. Rats aren't just cute pets or creatures that lurk in sewers. Rats make their homes wherever humans do, which may include your lawn or garden.
What do rats look like?
There are two very common types of rats that may be seen on your property: Norway (or brown) rats and Roof (or black) rats. Norway rats are grayish brown in color with their stomachs being a lighter shade. They are 10-12 inches long and weigh 10-17 ounces fully grown. They have a blunt nose and their tails are shorter than their bodies. Roof rats are black and slender. They are 6-8 inches in length and have a pointed nose. Both types of rats have very strong front teeth that never stop growing.
Where do rats live?
Rats live everywhere humans do. They live outside in lawns, gardens, and inside in attics, basements, and wall spaces. Outside rats may try to make your home theirs by moving in through spaces as small as the size of a quarter. Norway rats, which are the rats that live in yards, fields, and gardens, create burrow systems. The burrow systems may be complex or simple depending on the social relationships of the rats. Burrow systems exist 12 to 18 inches below the surface and often can be found near structures that provide cover such as concrete slabs or walls. A burrow opening is typically 3 to 10 inches in diameter and will be marked by a mound of soil around it. The entrance can be temporarily sealed with cut vegetation or permanently sealed with dirt packed into place. Burrows are often started by pregnant females just before they give birth. Female rats live in groups of 1 to 6 and will raise their young together.
How do I know if I have rats?
If you pay close attention, the signs that you have rats are hard to miss. Rats travel along the same path everyday so trails will form around your lawn, garden, and landscaping. You may also notice smudge marks on walls, pipes, and gnawed openings that rats make due to their oily fur. You may see droppings, footprints and tail drags in dusty areas, and gnaw marks. You may also hear sounds of climbing, crawling, and moving.
Is there such a thing as "rat season"?
Rats are active at all times during the year.
When is a rat's mating season?
Rats do not have a specific mating season. They usually mate 4 to 7 times per year and begin breeding when they are 3 to 4 months old. They typically produce a litter of 6 to 12 young after a gestation period of 3 weeks. A rat is able to get pregnant again just 1 to 2 days after giving birth.
Why should I bother with them if they stay outside?
As previously mentioned, sometimes outdoor rats move indoors. Even if they stay outside, rats are known for doing a great deal of damage. Rats damage 1/5 of the world's food crop per year. Rats eat flowers, leaves, seeds, nuts, grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, and invertebrates. The strong teeth of a rat enable it to chew through glass, lead, aluminum, cinder block, wire, and underground piping, thus doing much damage to structures and landscaping. Additionally, rats do carry diseases that can be passed onto humans and animals.
When is it a good time to get rat control?
The sooner, the better. Do not hesitate to begin the process of ridding yourself of these pesky invaders.
Mice Removal
It's not all Mickey Mouse and fairy tales folks. A mouse problem can prove to be a real nightmare.
What do field mice look like? Field mice are reddish-brown with a white underside and white feet. They are typically only 3-5 inches long and have long tails (as long as or longer than their bodies). They have small snouts, small paws, and big eyes and ears for their size. They are very fast moving.
Where do field mice live? Field mice like to live in sheltered, dry places such as hollow logs, hollow stumps, under trees, and under brush. Some field mice have been known to migrate into people's homes in search of food and shelter. Like the other rodents mentioned above, mice are burrowers. They will live alone or in groups. Mice typically only travel an area averaging 10 to 30 feet in diameter and are able to memorize locations of pathways, shelter, obstacles, and food & water. A mouse's nest is made of fibrous materials and is usually 4 to 6 inches in diameter.
How do I know if I have mice? The signs of a mouse infestation are droppings, burrows in the ground, and footprints in damp soil and dust.
Is there such a thing as "mouse season"? Like rats, mice are active at all times of the year. However, they're primarily nocturnal so you would notice mouse activity most at night.
When is a mouse's mating season? Mice do not have a specific mating season. They usually mate 6 to 10 times per year and start breeding around 50 days of age. They typically produce a litter of 10 to 12 young after a gestation period of 20 days.
Why should I worry about field mice? I don't have fields inside my home. As previously stated, field mice have been known to move inside people's homes if they are in need of food and/or shelter. Even if that is not your experience, field mice can do a lot of harm by damaging and eating crops, eating elements of your landscaping such as fruit from your trees, and spreading diseases through their feces and parasites.
When is it a good time to get mouse control? The sooner, the better. Do not hesitate to begin the process of ridding yourself of these pesky invaders.