It's not all Mickey Mouse and fairy tales folks. A mouse problem can prove to be a real nightmare.
What do field mice look like?
Field mice are reddish-brown with a white underside and white feet. They are typically only 3-5 inches long and have long tails (as long as or longer than their bodies). They have small snouts, small paws, and big eyes and ears for their size. They are very fast moving.
Where do field mice live?
Field mice like to live in sheltered, dry places such as hollow logs, hollow stumps, under trees, and under brush. Some field mice have been known to migrate into people's homes in search of food and shelter. Like the other rodents mentioned above, mice are burrowers. They will live alone or in groups. Mice typically only travel an area averaging 10 to 30 feet in diameter and are able to memorize locations of pathways, shelter, obstacles, and food & water. A mouse's nest is made of fibrous materials and is usually 4 to 6 inches in diameter.
How do I know if I have mice?
The signs of a mouse infestation are droppings, burrows in the ground, and footprints in damp soil and dust.
Is there such a thing as "mouse season"?
Like rats, mice are active at all times of the year. However, they're primarily nocturnal so you would notice mouse activity most at night.
When is a mouse's mating season?
Mice do not have a specific mating season. They usually mate 6 to 10 times per year and start breeding around 50 days of age. They typically produce a litter of 10 to 12 young after a gestation period of 20 days.
Why should I worry about field mice?
I don't have fields inside my home. As previously stated, field mice have been known to move inside people's homes if they are in need of food and/or shelter. Even if that is not your experience, field mice can do a lot of harm by damaging and eating crops, eating elements of your landscaping such as fruit from your trees, and spreading diseases through their feces and parasites.
When is it a good time to get mouse control?
The sooner, the better. Do not hesitate to begin the process of ridding yourself of these pesky invaders.